Description: and Figures


Property manager keeps the keys for the property. Call a day before your arrival with your expected arrival times and circumstances. Jean-Pierre will try to accommodate your schedule so that he can meet you at the property as you arrive. Alternatively, if your arrival time is not definite, you could meet at his house; quite easy to find: He lives in Boschaud, approximately 3 kms southeast of our property in Laumède.  Go east from Quinsac, the north side of the village, following the signs for Boschaud.  His property is the first property in this hamlet, on the left.

Locks: At Laumède there is a lock on the main gate, the barn and the front door, all of which have different keys.  Open as many doors as you like while noting the marking on the keys and noting the status of the doors.

Electricity: Electricity will be on at the time of your arrival. The main breaker for the house is in the barn at the south side of the large barn door at eye level. There is a light switch just to the right (east) of the kitchen access to the barn. Extra bulbs are found in each room.

Water: The water will be on at the time of your arrival. The main water valve is at the west-central wall of the barn.  To turn off, rotate this red-handled valve 90 degrees.

Water heater: The high-capacity water heater is incorporated into the furnace.  No adjustment or maintenance needed. 

House heat: The house central heat should be prepared in advance to run. It is thermostatically controlled so no adjustment is necessary other than to turn it on. This is managed by toggling the switches on the face of the furnace upper, ON, position. The house will likely become too warm if left on during the day.

Firewood: Firewood is found at end of meadow, stacked.  You are welcome to use this wood as you like but use caution, and only downstairs.  Keep fires small and on a bed of cinders.

Telephone:  There are several wire-less telephones with an answering machine.  Instructions for the phone will be found in the small shelf next to the phone.  Other phones are upstairs.

Television:  Learn slowly how to use the television.  There are many channels but like all televisions and their remotes, these are particular and overly complex.

Stereo:  In salle a manger.

Departing: As you depart or leave for a period of time please make arrangements to return keys to Jean-Pierre. Secure all ground floor shutters with iron hasps. Turn off heating system, switches to lower, OFF, position. Lock gates and doors. Barn: Two exterior doors locked and secure. House: Three exterior doors.